
Get new insights into user behavior.

  • The big picture view of user behavior.
  • Track trends for unwanted content and make data-driven decisions.
  • Follow the impact of your moderation efforts.

Protecting industry innovators


Your content moderation
KPIs at a glance

  • Your most important metricsQuickly understand the state of your platform.

  • Real-time insightsTake a quick look at the current state of affairs.

In review


Discover what people are talking about

  • Deeper insights into contentUnderstand the most common terms used in relation to flags.

  • Private by designAnalytics uses aggregated data and privacy-first design.



Track how your efforts are changing user behavior

  • See behavior trendsQuickly spot if a certain type of toxic behavior is increasing.

  • Make data-driven decisionsDecide if you need to improve in certain areas.

  • Easy to integrateSimply start using the API and the analytics will start flowing.

flagging trends

Get real insights
using content analysis

Understand how people are abusing your platform, track how your efforts are changing user behavior, and get content moderation KPIs at a glance.